Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Self-love Day Beautiful People!

February 13th, 2008 ·

Welcome to the Sisters' Sanctuary experience, aka our new blog.

This blog has replaced the our Monthly Self- love Letter (newsletter.) I hope you enjoyed your 13 Days of Self-love and have had a beautiful time celebrating yourself. I wanted to take this time to really define self-love and self-worth and why I think it is imperative to the survival of our young women.

Sisters' Sanctuary defines self-love as the practice of knowing your worth and value and seeing yourself as sacred and beautiful being. Self-Worth is about knowing how to create boundaries, knowing what is healthy and productive in your life. Self-love is about being able to nurture, honor and care for yourself to raise the vibration and energy of joy, goodness and peace. For so long we have been taught that we as women of African Descent were inferior, that our natural hair, skin color, shape and size were less than beautiful, less than human.

I do this self-love work for the spirit of:

    Margaret Garner, the subject of the movie Beloved, who had to survive the horrors of slavery only to make a decision to kill her children before she would allow them to live a life of mental and physical bondage.

    Saarjite Baartman, a young South African woman who's nude body was displayed in a cage as public spectacle in a Circus in Europe, because of her enlarged buttocks.

    The "strong black woman" who has not made time to feel, because her true hurt, pain, sorrow and disappointment would overwhelm her.

    But most of all I do this for the little sisters whose minds are over saturated with images and lyrics that tell her only value is how good she looks in a thong. The little sisters with the over developed bodies who have been groped, sexually assaulted, gaulked at, molested, "bitched", "hoed", smacked, flipped, and labeled "super head".

    I do this for the sister who sexes to get love, because like Halle Balle in Monsters Ball she is looking for something and someone to "make her feel good " from the years of subconsciously absorbing her mothers', grandmothers' and great grandmothers' pain.

This is a sanctuary for you to be human, for you to safe enough to know healing, celebrating, valuing and loving yourself was your birth right whole time. This is your place to know that you are worthy of kind words, truth, love, peace, harmony, support, community, celebration, kinship, leadership, feeling, dancing barefoot, singing in the nude, laughing until your stomach hurts, your cry being heard, divorcing mediocrity and marrying excellence. This is a place for the buck toothed sister, the 350lb sister, the Muslim sister, the Buddist, the Christian sister, the sister who was born to or chooses to love other women, the skinny sister, the sister whose skin color is black as coal, the sister who was called Casper all her life, the dwarf sister, the handicap sister, the deaf sister, the six figure sister, the celebrity who has lost her ground, the executive, the one with the short hair the sister with long hair, the sister who works at the supermarket, the one who had the mastectomy, the unemployed sister, and the phone sex operator. This is for you, because you are our childrens' models. They are watching you, they are modeling you and no matter who you are you deserve to be whole, full and celebrated.

Happy Self-Love Day
Beautiful People!