- The design and the summer events at the Ford Ampitheater in Los Angeles.
The grounds, gardens and view of the hill and mountains from the Getty Museum.
Mya aka “My-My” the medium burnt orange colored dog because she is so sweet.
A freshly laundered, big, fluffy and white comforter because it makes me feel like I am wrapped in a soft cloud.

Trader Joes! Because they have inexpensive, high quality, and gourmet health food.
Creating and being part of community because it reminds me that people need each other for support, understanding and love. Isolation is a dream killer.
The Spa Soiree presented by VIBE HOLISTIC. Free high quality spa services… (I got the Rain Drop Therapy and reflexology )and a free buffet of health food with coconut water and cashew juice. YUM! It was delectable! Loved every second of it! Another one is coming up in Sept in LA and in 09 in NY.

What do you looooove?
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