Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lacey LooooOoOOOooves:

-Celebrating Mother's Day with her legendary motha!

-Learning tennis from a lil' fabulous 8 year African-American girl...potential to be the next Venus and Serena!

-Being in the DIVINE flow.

-Hanging out with people who enjoy, celebrate and honor life without drugs or alcohol.

-Somewhere Here on Earth- New Release by Prince.

-Agave-sweetener from a cactus plant that taste like a light version of honey and maple syrup.

-Watercolors XM Radio- Art for your Ears! YES! YES!

-Sadiki! Sadiki! Sadiki!

-Her Artsy Friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shanny Loves,

I love my son, who turned 13 on the 13th;

I love my cousin for the vibrate color and passion she has;

I love the shades of purple, because there is a shade for every mood;

I love being a woman for the power of creation God has blessed us with;

I love being a mother and experiencing the growth of my child;

I love being apart of a Sisterhood that embraces their womanhood and the power with in.